An important concept in functional programming is that of functions as parameters.
With the introduction of the LAMBDA function, this is now possible in Excel.
This short video briefly introduces this concept.
Category: Video
An important concept in functional programming is that of functions as parameters.
With the introduction of the LAMBDA function, this is now possible in Excel.
This short video briefly introduces this concept.
This post is a follow-up to the original excel-lambda-depn.schedule post.
I created the video below to show the steps involved in creating that LAMBDA from scratch, including a modification which allows the schedule to be produced by month as well as by year.
some of the text in the video is quite small, so I recommend a resolution of no lower than 480p (higher if possible) and full screen. Chapter links are available in the video description on YouTube.
On July 31st, 2022, I gave a presentation about Excel Lambda functions to the MS Excel Toronto Meetup group.
If you have any questions about the content of the video or the file, please leave a comment.
On July 13th 2022, I gave a presentation about Excel Lambda functions to the MS Excel Toronto Meetup group.
You can download the file used in the presentation here.
If you have any questions about the content of the video or the file, please leave a comment.